Interior Design Ceiling 2011 : White has always been the most popular choice as far as ceiling colors is concerned. But white as a color for room ceilings has its own drawbacks. The room has a low ceiling and white is used for painting it, Interior Design Ceiling can make the ceiling appear much more closer than it actually is. On the other hand, if white is used for painting high ceilings, it can make the ceilings appear much farther than they are in reality.
Interior Design Ceiling 2011 Pic So, white should be used for painting only those room ceilings which are neither too high nor too low. Read more on decorating rooms with high ceilings.
Vaulted ceilings are those which arch up or angle from the walls till the ceiling. Decorating rooms with vaulted ceilings make the rooms appear high and spacious. A similar, albeit a little different design is a cove ceiling. These type of ceilings have a concave surface which join the walls and the flat ceiling.
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